2007年9月29日 星期六



作者: 郭毓仁,中國文化大學景觀學系副教授

2007年9月23日 星期日

The study of mowing pattern preference in turfgrass area of baseball ground and its attraction among the fans

關鍵詞: 棒球場、草紋、景觀美質、喜好程度、網路問卷

The study of mowing pattern preference in turfgrass area of baseball ground and its attraction among the fans
Baseball is not only a sport, but a real recreational activity in this modern world. Its role is turned from a baseball field to a baseball park. Different mowing patterns in the turf area of baseball field can help the healthy of turf growing and improving beauty of ballpark landscape. The purpose of this study is to know the preference of baseball park designer and baseball fans to different mowing pattern design and its affection of fans willingness to go to the ballpark to watch the games because of improving landscape beauty. Nine types of mowing patterns including straight lines, circle lines, checkerboard, plaid design, diamonds, crossing arch, trial blazers, bulls eyes,、and radiation were drawing by computer simulation。From the results of personal survey and web page survey, we found that radiation, straight line, and checkerboard were significant difference of preference for ballpark designer and fans than the other mowing patterns. There were 79.7% of survey attendance thought that different mowing patterns can attract them to the ballpark to watch the games. We hope the results of this research can improve the beauty of baseball ground beauty in the future.
Key Words: baseball, mowing pattern, landscape beauty, preference, web page survey

The study of suitable living environment for the older adults of fifty and better in Taipei area

關鍵詞: 老人、問卷、公園、屋頂或中庭花園、景觀設施

The study of suitable living environment for the older adults of fifty and better in Taipei area
The older adults are the fastest growing segment of the world population. Green areas within urban environments have been shown to maintain health of older adults. The goal of this study was to investigate what types of living environment is their most concern. In this study, face to face and e-mail survey were applied. In order to pursuit more accurate survey results; a preliminary survey was conducted to compare the accuracy of final survey. Our investigation found that older adults significantly hope to live close to park as the first choice. This result was consistent of both surveys. However, the older populations felt general to good (3.9) to their living environment. According to the survey results of what reasons to the park, we found that easy reaching was the most important factor than the other types; park plantings was also the reason of attracting their coming. The survey of park type preference, roof garden was their favorite. From the results of preferred landscape settings, we found that sitting space, chances of enjoys sunshine or shading area, and good view area were significantly different than the other settings. We expect this investigation could supply better living environment for elderly in Taiwan and offer more information for landscape designer when design parks or garden for these populations.
Keywords: Older adults, survey, park, roof garden, landscape settings


許多研究都指出良好的景觀環境對人類生心理健康有很大的助益。因此本研究之目的乃藉由了解大學生如何情緒管理並利用療癒庭園的設計來了解大學生的感覺。本研究以中國文化大學的學生做為問卷對象,並邀請受測者來到療癒庭園並加以問卷測試。 調查結果發現大學生在壓力狀態下以聽音樂(17%)自我調適最高,其次為逃避去睡覺(14%)、或找人聊天(13%)。而從事園藝活動的則相當少。當心情不好時,會尋找的對象來抒發心情的多為朋友,而尋找較專業的對象卻佔少數。受測者第一次來到療癒庭園時心情都感到愉悅,而且如果以後心情不好時會想到此庭園來走走。受測者對於療癒庭園的景觀元素偏好問卷喜好結果依序為噴泉、植物花壇、看遠景、遮蔭休憩區、操作區、以及其他。由此結果可判斷噴泉可以同時提供聽覺、視覺、及觸覺所以效果最佳也最引人注意。本研究藉由問卷了解大學生對於情緒壓力的感知,再藉由建立紓解壓力的療癒庭園提供抒壓的機會,並從問卷中了解到大學生對於療癒庭園的建立都具有正面肯定的意義,可以提供未來校園中運用閒置空間建立公共庭園空間讓學生使用,應該可以讓學生的生心理更為健康。

關鍵詞: 大學生、情緒管理、問卷、療癒庭園、景觀元素偏好

關鍵詞: 老人、問卷、公園、屋頂或中庭花園、景觀設施

The study of suitable living environment for the older adults of fifty and better in Taipei area
The older adults are the fastest growing segment of the world population. Green areas within urban environments have been shown to maintain health of older adults. The goal of this study was to investigate what types of living environment is their most concern. In this study, face to face and e-mail survey were applied. In order to pursuit more accurate survey results; a preliminary survey was conducted to compare the accuracy of final survey. Our investigation found that older adults significantly hope to live close to park as the first choice. This result was consistent of both surveys. However, the older populations felt general to good (3.9) to their living environment. According to the survey results of what reasons to the park, we found that easy reaching was the most important factor than the other types; park plantings was also the reason of attracting their coming. The survey of park type preference, roof garden was their favorite. From the results of preferred landscape settings, we found that sitting space, chances of enjoys sunshine or shading area, and good view area were significantly different than the other settings. We expect this investigation could supply better living environment for elderly in Taiwan and offer more information for landscape designer when design parks or garden for these populations.
Keywords: Older adults, survey, park, roof garden, landscape settings